Showing 731–740 of 1364 results
Prodhuesi :Paint marker,Pilot PINTOR FUN M.4.5mm
Kodi Produktit:
Water-based pigment ink paint marker
Suitable for use on all surfaces
Permanent on a porous surface such as wood, paper, cardboard, clothing fabrics or stone.
2.9mm bullet tip gives a 1.0mm fine line
Wallet Contains Black, Violet, Light Blue, Pink, Light Green and Orange
Prodhuesi :Paint marker,Pilot PINTOR METAL M.2.9mm
Kodi Produktit:
Water-based pigment ink paint marker
Suitable for use on all surfaces
Permanent on a porous surface such as METAL . wood, paper, cardboard, clothing fabrics or stone.
2.9mm bullet tip gives a 1.0mm fine line
Wallet Contains Black, Violet, Light Blue, Pink, Light Green and Orange
Prodhuesi :Paint marker,Pilot PINTOR PASTEL M.2.9mm
Kodi Produktit:
Water-based pigment ink paint marker
Suitable for use on all surfaces
Permanent on a porous surface such as wood, paper, cardboard, clothing fabrics or stone.
2.9mm bullet tip gives a 1.0mm fine line
Wallet Contains Black, Violet, Light Blue, Pink, Light Green and Orange
Prodhuesi :Paint marker,Pilot PINTOR PASTEL M.4.5mm
Kodi Produktit:
Water-based pigment ink paint marker
Suitable for use on all surfaces
Permanent on a porous surface such as wood, paper, cardboard, clothing fabrics or stone.
2.9mm bullet tip gives a 1.0mm fine line
Wallet Contains Black, Violet, Light Blue, Pink, Light Green and Orange
Prodhuesi : Panasonic
Modeli: KX-FAT411E
Toner Panasonic per Printera Laser. Ky produkt cilesor ofron saktesi dhe definicion te larte per dokumentat e printuar. Instalohet lehtesisht ne printerin tuaj. Toner qe mund te printoj ne total 2,000 flete. Te gjitha produktet tona jane te nje cilesie te larte dhe me cmimet me konkurruese ne treg.
Ne tregohemi te kujdesshem ne perzgjedhjen e partnereve tane per te sjelle prane jush produkte cilesore. Tek ne do te gjeni gjithe gamen e artikujve qe ju nevojitet ne zyra, institucione si dhe artikuj shkollore.
Pastel vaji Giotto, ne pako 12 colore 293000
Pastel vaji Giotto, ne pako 24colore 293100
Pastel vaji Giotto, ne pako 48 colore 293200